Zero by Kathryn Otoshi

Otoshi, Kathryn. Zero. Novato: Ko Kids Books, 2010. 32p.

This fun, playful book is about the number zero. He has a big hole right in the center of him! He is sad, and he feels left out because he thinks he has no value. He tries twisting and turning into other numbers, but it does not work. He has to watch the numbers count every day and it makes him feel even more depressed. Will he find his own value, or will he stay the same?!

This book would be good for kindergarten through first grade. It teaches kids math and place value in a fun way! It also teaches kids character education and shows that everybody matters, even if you feel you are different. The creative rhyming in this book will teach kids how to write poetry. 
By guest bloggers Olivia and Katrina, 4 Chaddock


  1. Wow, sounds like this book has a little bit of everything! Thank you for the great recommendation!

  2. Good Math books are sometimes hard to find, especially about place value. I will make sure to give this book a glance based on your summary. Nice work Olivia and Katrina! Mr. McIntosh
