That’s (Not) Mine by Anna Kang

Kang, Anna. That’s (Not) Mine. New York: Two Lions, 2015. 32p.

In this book, two animals are fighting over a couple of things like a big chair and a swivel chair. These animals are funny and have a way of doing something that they agree on, then disagreeing all over again. Finally... Read to find out!

We recommend this book for kindergartners and first graders. They will love the story because it will make them laugh. Teachers can use this book to help their students learn how to share and cooperate.

By: Guest bloggers Sarah and Noah, 4 Chaddock


  1. Share AND cooperate... say no more! This is perfect, thank you!

  2. Sarah and Noah, you've left me excited to read this story! We will be sure to check out this book based on your recommendation! Mr. McIntosh
