Sarah Gives Thanks by Mike Allegra

Allegra, Mike. Sarah Gives Thanks. Chicago: Albert Whitman & Company, 2012. 32p.  

Sarah Josepha Hale, a woman who treasured words, became an author and the editor of the most widely-read women's magazine in the country to support her five children after the death of her husband. Vowing to remain grateful and positive when faced with tragedy, Sarah used her influence as an author and editor to persistently urge governors, and finally presidents, to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Thanks to Sarah Hale's determination and President Lincoln's recognition of the importance of being thankful even during the hardest of times, our entire nation now celebrates this holiday together on the last Thursday of November.

This book is an outstanding selection for a holiday read-aloud, for biography units, and for character education lessons on persistence and gratitude.  


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting such a kind review! (And please forgive me for being so late in showing my gratitude; I just discovered your blog.)

    Here's hoping that you and yours have a joyous Thanksgiving holiday!

    With warmest wishes,

    Mike Allegra
